If you are looking beyond the plant floor, you have to have been paying attention to Microsoft, SAP and Oracle’s announced intention to support S95 as the enterprise integration standard. Now that the eleventy-million pound gorillas have lined up in ISA’s backcourt, we can expect to see a real integration standard take shape.
ISA is offering a very important web seminar on S95:
Overview of Enterprise Control Integration – 8 December
Led by industry expert and ISA SP95 Committee Chairman Keith Unger, this live web seminar will help you understand the terminology and concepts used to integrate business logistics systems (ERP, PLM, SCM) to manufacturing control and MES systems, as defined by the ANSI/ISA-95 standards.
Register soon – space is limited.
Register your site for this seminar for just $195 each for ISA Members ($225 each for Non-members). You can then have as many participants as you like at one location.
This 90-minute seminar starts at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. All you need to participate is a computer with Internet access and a separate telephone line.
For more information or to register, please call (919) 549-8411 or click on the link above.
Matricia Smith
Web Seminar Coordinator
Y’all go, now, y’hear!