The hurricanes exposed a serious weakness– US enery supply is fragile and is easily broken, according to former Michigan governor John Engler. Huge effects are expected on the economy as the energy weakness of the USA washes through the economic situation.The consumer price index has already jumped over 5 percent… Dow’s energy cost has exceeded 50 percent of revenue…
China is building 30 nuclear plants…
Japan has built 23 LNG terminals…
France built 58 nuclear plants…
During the same time, the USA built 4 LNG terminals and 1 nuclear plant.
Engler proposes:
1– access to the outer continental shelf for natural gas exploration and training-
2–access to ANWR–
3–expedite the permitting process
4–expedite building of new refineries
5–expedite new infrastructure
6–authorize the building of new nuclear plants
7–alternative fuel investment in clean coal and coal gassification
(Engler noted that our coal reserves are larger than the Saudi oil reserves)
8–Congress has to have the gumption to create a real energy policy like the proposed “clear skies” initiative that will provide predictability and certainty in the permitting procedure so we can provide a plentiful, flexible, affordable energy supply.
“I believe the public is far ahead of the policy makers on these issues,” Engler said.
“I don’t know what the future will be but it could be very bright if we move now to ensure our energy future.”
Walt Boyes
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