From Mr. Anonymous (I know who sent it, but you don’t have to…)
I felt compelled to communicate with you. I have recently arrived back
at my desk from an very amusing and interesting lunch session with a
couple of Control magazines. Yes, I do catch up on my reading from time
to time. Well, must tell YOU CRACK ME UP, and simultaneously your mag
usually helps with my “ever on-going” professional education. You know,
you should never have “melted” into the American pot. You are far to
direct, politically insensitive, and dare I say opinioned (yes why not!)
to fit the mould of an average member of the USA gene pool. No, you
should not have remained in the Italian gene pool either. You sir should
have been an Aussie! Mate, now there a pool you could have made a noise
& splashed around in, AND been knighted for your “embedded”
entertainment factor.