Arrived this morning in Bologna, Italy, for the European version of the Emerson Smart Wireless product launch. For once, the estimed Mme. Editor was able to join me…first time she’s actually been outside the USA except to visit our friends in Canada.
We did the tourist thing for a couple of hours. I lived in Italy for a short time in the mid-1970s. Some things changed, some things remained the same. Shops still close from 1300 to 1500 or 1530 every day…the food is still wonderful at the sidewalk caffes.
Something different. Street beggars are now ubiquitous. They aren’t Italian, most appear to be from Africa, immigrants of one stripe or another. I was physically assaulted by three women asking for alms, and had to be rescued by passers-by. One woman had hold of my jacket and would not let me go. I literally lifted her off the ground, yelling, “Leave me alone!” An Italian woman came up to us after and apologised fervently for the problem. I appreciated that.
Ready to go to the Marconi Museum, and then to dinner with the other editors and the Emerson crew.
I am wondering what will be different between the press conference at Emerson Exchange last year, and this one.