From the EMC-Squared desk calendar:
“A large number of people see the PR practitioner intentionally blocking the path to the truth…Bloggers enjoy the opposite reputation…Whereas the PR practitioner’s loyalty is assumed to be to the client, the blogger’s loyalty is perceived to be to the public at large. We are, of course, talking about perceptions here, not realities.”
–Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, Naked Conversations, 2006, p. 100
Okay, let’s talk about where my loyalties lie. How about “self, family, country, profession, career, employer…” in that order.
About the loyalty of this blog…my loyalty is to my belief that I am speaking as a voice of the end user in process automation.
I have no company loyalties, and I don’t intend to start. As I have said before, I am “an equal opportunity offender.”