I deliberately stopped posting about the situation at ISA a couple of weeks ago, even though I continued to receive comment. My July editorial (soon to be out) talks about what I see, and is my summation of what was said here. I’ve also had several conversations with Ken Baker, the President-Elect/Secretary, who takes office as President in January, and with other members of the Executive Board and leadership of ISA.
And just to show that I’ve put my own fat pink butt where my mouth is, I’ve joined the Will-DuPage Section Executive as a section officer. I don’t have a lot of time, but ISA can have as much of it as I can spare.
As Ken Baker said the other day, “I think it is obvious that everybody understands finally that the platform is on fire, and we have to do something about it.”
Go, Ken, go.
And let’s not forget the current ISA president, Don Zee. There are still six months to go in Don’s term, and lots of time for Don to take the actions he needs to, to secure ISA’s future.
If you have something to say, tell Don at mailto:president@isa.org and let him know we’re behind him as he and Ken and the rest of the ISA leadership tries to save our most important automation institution.