- Thu, 12:57: RT @telesian: The Internet of Things: The $300 Billion Opportunity for Marketers by @mgrover1 http://t.co/KkkdZ4euAU
- Thu, 12:59: RT @ControlCrunch: Using Commercial Off-the-Shelf Mobile Devices in Industrial Automation: “Russian Roulette” or the “New Normal”? http://t…
- Thu, 13:09: Senators strike deal on cybersecurity | TheHill http://t.co/ABwjPYeRbW via @TheHill
- Thu, 13:22: A Major Win for the Open Internet | The White House: http://t.co/eenR9wYQMQ @whitehouse
- Thu, 13:34: Here’s the info on the PAS Technology Conference 2014. Good conference with sections on process safety, industrial c…http://t.co/0fCzwbOpqs
- Thu, 13:37: RT @ISA_Interchange: Automation industry wisdom: honesty is still the best policy [career tip]~by @GregKMcMillan & H. Vegas http://t.co/Cmp…
- Thu, 16:07: CSIA Awards Announced! #pauto #CSIA2014 http://t.co/eddh0eLmp0
- Thu, 16:31: CSIA Breaks Attendance Record! #pauto #manufacturing #automation http://t.co/bmu6tD8y06
- Thu, 16:36: Excellent article. Pay attention! http://t.co/lIr7wys0aF
- Fri, 09:08: Check our most read blog entry this week. Advanced Regulatory Control Recommendations Tips http://t.co/bwpH9v41PO