I’ve been pounding my bully pulpit ever since I got here about the coming drought in technically trained persons.
Here’s an article from TechCentralStation that I think hits it squarely on the propeller on the beanie:
Here’s the first bit, to whet your appetite:
Confessions of an Engineering Washout
By Douglas Kern
I am an engineering washout. I left a chemical engineering major in shame and disgust to pursue the softer pleasures of a liberal arts education. No, do not pity me, gentle reader; do not assuage your horror and dismay at my degradation by flinging a filthy quarter into my shiny tin cup. Instead, hear my story, and learn why the United States lacks engineers.
Not long ago, I showed up for my first year at Smartypants U., fresh from a high school career full of awards and honors and gold stars. My accomplishments all pointed towards a more verbal course of study, but I was determined to spend my college days learning something useful. With my strong science grades and excellent standardized test scores, I felt certain that I could handle whatever engineering challenges Smartypants U. had to offer. Remember: Kern = real good at math and science. You will have cause to forget that fact very soon….
Read more: http://www.techcentralstation.com/092105B.html
What do you think?