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DAVID W SPITZER'S E-ZINE (December 2023)


Non-Contact Level Gauge Performance (Part 4 of 4) by David W Spitzer and Walt Boyes

In order to fairly compare performance, the same type of accuracy statement should be used for each level measurement system. For level measurement, the best measure of performance is usually the absolute (fixed) level error statement because it quantifies the amount of error expected to be present. Therefore, in most cases, statements should be expressed or converted to an absolute (fixed) level error statement before using the information for comparison purposes.

Understanding Your Standards: Examining ASME-8M and Seal Pot Arrangements in Steam Service by David W Spitzer

People often say that standardization is a good thing --- standardization allows people to reuse the knowledge of others instead of having to think through every problem every time it occurs. The "catch" can be that the people using the knowledge often apply standards without an understanding of the reasoning behind the instructions in the standard. Such is the case of the use of seal pots in steam service.

Air Bubbles Troubles by David W Spitzer

Impulse tubing that is not completely full can cause measurement error. Air bubbles can form when the impulse tubing can trap air when empty. In one installation, the transmitter taps in a 2 bar steam flow measurement system are located at the same elevation as the flowmeter taps. The impulse tubing is routed down 25 cm (10 inches) from the taps and then up to the transmitter to form a condensate seal. What is the approximate pressure measurement error if the air is not bled out of one of the impulse tubes during calibration?


In addition to over 40 years of experience as an instrument user, consultant and expert witness, David W Spitzer has written over 10 books and 500 articles about flow measurement, level measurement, instrumentation and process control. David teaches his flow measurement seminars in both English and Portuguese.


Spitzer and Boyes, LLC provides engineering, technical writing, training seminars, strategic marketing consulting and expert witness services worldwide.


ISSN 1538-5280
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