Experion Elevate provides a cloud-based solution that minimizes hardware, software and
maintenance requirements
In a recognition of the inescapable march of software and supervisory control strategies to the Cloud
, Honeywell (NYSE: HON) Process Solutions (HPS) today announced the launch of Experion Elevate, a real-time process supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) solution delivered as a secure and scalable service.
Experion Elevate allows for predictable costs, easy upgrades, and continual support. It is a member of Honeywell’s suite of cloud-enabled solutions for operations technology and information technology (OT/IT). HPS made the announcement at its annual Honeywell Users Group symposium.
The clear advantage to customers is easy upgrades and the ability to show the expense of Experion Elevate as OPEX.
The advantage to Honeywell is easy migration, upgrade, and a steady monthly paycheck instead of project work. With the SCADA software running in Honeywell’s cloud, Honeywell helps to bind customers to them.
“By choosing Experion Elevate, process industry companies can take their performance to a new level with visibility of field assets from a central monitoring site and/or mobile locations,” said John Rudolph, vice president and general manager, HPS Projects and Automation Solutions. “They can be sure their SCADA implementation will be robust, reliable and secure because their system is running on ours. Users can depend on Honeywell’s experience and vision for any size solution.”
Experion SCADA is at the heart of Honeywell’s Experion systems and provides a highly scalable, integrated multi-service system with a superior human-machine interface (HMI). The use of Honeywell’s Distributed System Architecture (DSA) allows multiple SCADA servers to operate as one within a single asset or across the enterprise and enables seamless global access to points , alarms, interactive operator control messages and history.
With Experion Elevate, Honeywell is uniquely positioned to provide any combination of SCADA solutions, offering end users more options than when choosing a service-only vendor. This approach brings business agility and increased efficiency from implementation through ongoing lifecycle operations. Customers can take advantage of the latest software with less on-site support and maintenance skills required. They also benefit from a lower cost of entry with the potential for reduced CAPEX, rapid project deployment, and lower lifecycle costs.
Having Honeywell host the SCADA application, and its associated data, in the Honeywell Cloud is also good for the customers from a cybersecurity vantage. Honeywell is now responsible to keep the application and data safe from cyber attack or intrusion. This means that the end user’s cybersecurity expense is much less.
To learn more about Honeywell’s Experion Elevate, visit